8 out of 10 test automation implementations are likely to fail.
Understand the critical issues that are impacting your readiness to succeed with test automation through this session. Led by a Utopia Solution’s Test Architect, the full-day, on-site session will help you identify risk factors that are lurking in your organization. At the conclusion of the session, clients will receive a high-level, test automation road map for avoiding common pitfalls and ultimately achieving success.
Why should you attend?
- It’s valuable – ensure you’re maximizing the return on your test automation investment
- It’s thorough – the full-day session assesses the organizational, process and technical aspects or your automation readiness
- It’s convenient – the session is conducted in your office
- It’s moderately priced – $2,000 for the full day session
After the completion of the assessment, we’ll schedule a one-hour session in which we’ll present a high-level strategy to get you on the path to test automation success.
During the session, Utopia’s Test Architect will lead an interactive discussion with various team members including Test Directors/Managers, Development Directors/Managers, and Test Automation Engineers. Typically, the session will include individual or group discussions with 4-6 people.
To help clients maximize the impact of the session, team members should be prepared to do the following:
- Conduct a walk-through of the application under test and discuss current testing activities
- Describe the development and testing processes used to build the application under test
- Provide a representative sample of testing-related documents
- Explain the technology stack of the application under test
- Discuss any development and testing support tools (e.g. test management, continuous integration, etc.) in use
Submit your request today as availability is limited.