In our second episode of Getting Real About Test Automation Utopia Founder and CTO Lee Barnes explores the way people think about Test Automation. Lee believes this is an important... read more →
Are you spending a lot of time and money on test automation and not seeing results? It’s time to get real about test automation! Watch the first installment in our... read more →
In our fourth segment, Reliability & Maintenance Issues, Lee discusses how this is the most well-publicized (and most preventable) test automation issue. Missed any of our first three segments?... read more →
In our third segment, Data Management Issues, Utopia Founder & CTO Lee Barnes discusses how data related issues are near the top of the list of the things that can... read more →
In our second of four installments, Utopia Founder & CTO Lee discusses how implementing automation with resources that lack automation or testing experience can lead to negative results. Thank... read more →
In our first brief, Utopia CTO and Founder Lee Barnes discusses the importance of establishing a clear vision as well as the components of good automation strategy.
In our ninth segment: Minimum Viable Functionality Utopia Senior Test Automation Expert Brett Haase explains why it is important to think in terms of..."What's the minimum automation we create each sprint that... read more →
In our eighth segment: Test Data Management Utopia Senior Test Automation Expert Brett Haase explains why this principle is so very important to successful framework development. In case you... read more →
Regression tests are the final validation points of the framework development. In our seventh segment: Integrate Test Automation During Framework Development Utopia Senior Test Automation Expert Brett Haase discusses why... read more →
Always usable; shared frequently In our sixth segment: Incremental, Measurable, Demonstrable Releases Utopia Senior Test Automation Expert Brett Haase discusses the importance of making all releases in the development process... read more →