Separation of Test Definition and Execution
The UAF externalizes the test definition (steps and data that define the test cases) from the test automation framework code. This allows resources to focus their efforts on where they can deliver the most value – test creation and analysis for Test Analysts and automation framework enhancement and maintenance for Automation Engineers.
Test cases can be defined in multiple tools including HPE ALM with BPT (for UFT implementations), Excel or other custom solutions that can present the test definition in a XML structure expected by the UAF. In addition to full support for ALM/BPT, the UAF comes with a database enabled Excel test definition template.
Application Independent Framework Architecture
The application testing layer sits above the core layer and consists of reusable components that represent the common application testing actions required to automate the testing scope appropriate for each implementation. This layer may consist of components from multiple applications to promote end-to-end testing across systems.
Common UI Experience
The UAF provides a common UI interaction layer to simplify the creation of application test components. This provides seamless support for multiple application technologies through a single consistent UI API. The UAF provides a simple method for automation engineers to extend the UI layer to additional technologies.